Monday 6 May 2013


 The intake of fruits is essential in every human life. this is because fruits help build the anti bodies in the human body thereby making it stronger to stand against skin diseases and many other diseases. A fruit like pineapple has roughage which when taken gives free bowls; thus easing with ease. another fruit that contains roughage is orange, but with oranges care must be taken when eating. This is because its acidic and before it can be taken the person must take in some meal and then add the oranges as a dessert or sweet after meal as we usually call it, if its taken when the tummy has no food in it the person experiences a little bit of stomach upset . Fruit consummates don't often fall prey to diseases due to how strong their anti bodies are. even though many have challenges with the intake of acidic fruits such as pineapple and oranges since it freezes their teeth, they are still recommended as very good fruits due to the roughage they contain.

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