Wednesday, 15 May 2013


“I’m dying of thirst!”
Water makes up more than two thirds of the weight of the human body, and without it, humans would die in a few days. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. A mere 2% drop in our body’s water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on smaller print, such as a computer screen. (Are you having trouble reading this? Drink up!) Mild dehydration is also one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue. An estimated seventy-five percent of Americans have mild, chronic dehydration. Pretty scary statistic for a developed country, where water is readily available through the tap or bottle.
Water is important to the mechanics of the human body. The body cannot work without it, just as a car cannot run without gas and oil. In fact, all the cell and organ functions made up in our entire anatomy and physiology depend on water for their functioning.
  • Water serves as a lubricant
  • Water forms the base for saliva
  • Water forms the fluids that surround the joints.
  • Water regulates the body temperature, as the cooling and heating is distributed through perspiration.
  • Water helps to alleviate constipation by moving food through the intestinal tract and thereby eliminating waste- the best detox agent.
  • Regulates metabolism.
It's hardly unknown that water happens to be one of the most important constituents of balance diet. In order to be able to be as right as rain, drinking water is of paramount significance.  As one of t
the vital nutrients it has diverse array roles to offer. similar to having a scheduled dietary regimen, its important to having a planned out regimen guiding the regular intake of water.


It's very important to practice the drinking of safe water. since water constitutes about 80% of the total human system, its necessary to take precautions about which kind of water, thus how clean and safe it is for it to get into your system.This is because when unclean or contaminated water gets into your system it enters the blood streams as well as lungs and cause many diseases which at the long run will cause many health hazards. Diseases like cholera can attack the system when unclean water gets to the human body.

Is it possible to think of a human life without water ? Many of you will say – No. Just not possible. While few may say- Yes. But for a few hours. They are also right. So it needs no further explanation that human being cannot live for a pretty long time without water. He can live and sustain life without food, but not without water.
Our body is nothing without water . Many of our organs like human brain, lungs or blood constitute more than 80% of water. We can realize the importance of water only when we suffer from dehydration. As long as our body is getting minimum essential water supply it is functioning properly. All the cells and organs in the body are dependant on water for their effective functioning.
Water plays a great role in our body system. A look at various functions can convince you of the same. Water not only serves as a lubricant in our body system but also helps to regulate the temperature of our body. It is the most important element which plays a crucial role in eliminating the waste from our body by detoxification. Water also regulates the body mechanism .

Saturday, 11 May 2013


CITRUS PARADISI: do you love grape fruits? VOILA! here are the health and nutritional values in the grape fruit. Most people don't like taking the fruit of paradise because they say it tastes bitter. but hold on and come along with me as we journey through the nutritional values of the grape fruit.
Grape fruit is refreshing and delicious, its rich in phytonutrients such as vitamin A, beta-carotene, and lycopene. It is revered as fruit of "paradise" for its unique health-promoting as well as disease-healing properties, especially among health-conscious, fitness freaks.
The plant is a subtropical citrus tree and botanically belongs to the large Rutaceaefamily of citrus fruits of the genus: Citrus. Scientific name: Citrus paradisi.
 Do you know the grape fruit is low in calories and consists of 42 calories per 100g rich in dietary insoluble fiber pectin which by acting as a bulk laxative helps to protect colon mucous membrane by decreasing exposure time to toxic substances in colon as well as binding to cancer to causing chemicals in the colon.

Here is the cure to your high blood pressure. Do you know the pectin content in the grape fruit reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as decreases re- absorption of cholesterol binding bile acids in the colon. WHAT A RELIEF! JUST A FRUIT OF GRAPE CAN CUT DOWN YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVEL AND TAKE OF YOUR BURDEN OF HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Additionally, it contains moderate levels of B-complex group of vitamins such as folates, riboflavin, pyridoxine, and thiamin in addition to some resourceful minerals such as iron, calcium, copper, and phosphorus.
Where are those who say grape fruits are bitter? try using it together with other fruits for fruit salads, desserts or jams and jellies and you will become addictive. TAKE GRAPE FRUIT TODAY AND AVOID HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND HIGH LEVEL OF CHOLESTEROL.

Monday, 6 May 2013


 The intake of fruits is essential in every human life. this is because fruits help build the anti bodies in the human body thereby making it stronger to stand against skin diseases and many other diseases. A fruit like pineapple has roughage which when taken gives free bowls; thus easing with ease. another fruit that contains roughage is orange, but with oranges care must be taken when eating. This is because its acidic and before it can be taken the person must take in some meal and then add the oranges as a dessert or sweet after meal as we usually call it, if its taken when the tummy has no food in it the person experiences a little bit of stomach upset . Fruit consummates don't often fall prey to diseases due to how strong their anti bodies are. even though many have challenges with the intake of acidic fruits such as pineapple and oranges since it freezes their teeth, they are still recommended as very good fruits due to the roughage they contain.